Suggested subject: "En Plein Air; Get Outside" Who chose this for JANUARY????!!
I bundled up with my drawing board, my pencil, eraser, crate for a seat and, followed by two large dogs, trundled down the hill
to the back forty (which is really the back five) and amidst snow/sleet and dull, grey skies, plunked myself down to stare at the snow.
The dogs started play-fighting with a vengeance and my fingers grew numb. When there was enough water beads throughout my rough sketch
to start curling the paper, I rolled my eyes and trundled back up the hill. So this is not officially a "plein air". It did start out
as such, but got finished as a "quick sketch of a dull day" in the comfort of my studio. I only half-cheated, just sayin'. Watercolour
and chalk pastel on paper; approximately 7½" x 13". |