Every year our local Arts Coucil hosts an online 30-day challenge to raise awareness for the arts community. Some of us like to raise funds for thge Council as well, so we elect to auction our pieces on Facebook. I have only participated twice (it's a LOT of work), but here's my efforts for 2020. To see a larger verson of each drawing, just click on the image.

Day 1: January 2
What Inspires You?
Day 2: January 3
Inside of Something
Day 3: January 4
An Action Scene
Day 4: January 5
Day 5: January 6
Let the Light In
Day 6: January 7
If Sound Was a Line
Day 7: January 8
A Childhood Hero
Day 8: January 9
Use Your Less Dominant Hand
Day 9: January 10
Plein Air: Get Outside
Day 10: January 11
Your Bestie
Day 11: January 12
A Short Comic
Day 12: January 13
Flowers or Herbs
Day 13: January 14
What Does the Monster Under Your Bed Look Like?
Day 14: January 15
A Castle
Day 15: January 16
Something in the Room Using Continuous Blind Contour
Day 16: January 17
My Perfect Bubble
Day 17: January 18
Some Form of Transport
Day 18: January 19
Anything Using Pointillism
Day 19: January 20
A Ransom Note
(Text Exercise)
Day 20: January 21
Self Portrait - How You Feel or How You See Yourself
Day 21: January 22
A Rainbow or Something Colourful
Day 22: January 23
Fruit, Using Crosshatching
Day 23: January 24
Day 24: January 25
A Tool of Some Sort
Day 25: January 26
Prehistoric Life
Day 26: January 27
Day 27: January 28
? - No Subject
Day 28: January 29
A Fish or Person Using Gesture Drawing
Day 29: January 30
Use Perspective: A Road or Building
Day 30: January 31
The Sky